Career Focus Magazine

Driven by the need to tell the amazing stories of students, faculty, and staff from Northland Pioneer College, I started Career Focus Magazine. My goal was to produce something easy-to-read, with short compelling stories that would pique the interest of Navajo and Apache county residents and facilitate community discussion. I directed the photography and produced all designs, layouts, and typography. The amazing photography was taken by Laird Brown. Career Focus Magazine was bulk mailed to all residents in the NPC service area and distributed at local businesses.

Montpelier Magazine

As the Art Director for James Madison University's leading publication, I eagerly embraced the opportunity to engage with outstanding faculty, students, and alums, conveying their captivating stories through compelling visual design. I orchestrated and oversaw all aspects of each feature story's photoshoot and guided the talented designers who helped contribute layouts. Additionally, I handled the photo color correction for the entire magazine and managed the print production process.


Website Design